Category Archives: Personal

Yes, I realize the word is ballerina, but to my sweet 4 year old, the word is ballelina and this momma refuses to correct her! My little lady started ballet in January and it is probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I never took dance as a child so I didn’t have any...

I have to make a confession about taking photos of my family. This session made me nervous. Let me explain… Every year my husband’s family gathers in Red River, New Mexico for 10 days or so for vacation. Red River is like a second home to all of us and every year my kiddos look...

Never in a million years did I think I would be a professional photographer posting on my own photography blog. Don’t get me wrong, I am so excited about starting my own photography business, but it’s not something I thought would ever happen. I have always loved looking at and taking photographs, but I never...



St. Louis, Missouri




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